Pune Adventure Park

Booking and Activity Terms and Conditions

Booking and Activity Terms and Conditions


In this document you will find our Booking and Activity Terms and Conditions, as well as an easy to read summary. Our aim is to be completely open and transparent about how we operate and conduct business.

When you book an activity you agree to these terms, so it’s important that you read them carefully.

If you would like some help understanding these terms, or wish to raise an issue with us, please contact us either by clicking the chat widget on this page, emailing flyingbaba020@gmail.com, or calling +91 9689783999.

If you’re looking for our Website Terms & Conditions, click here.

If you’re looking for our Privacy Policy, click here.


Below is a short and easy to read summary of our Booking and Activity Terms and Conditions. We strongly recommend that you read the full Terms & Conditions, which you can skip to by clicking here.

Participant restrictions

For your safety you will not, under any circumstances, be able to participate if you fall under any of these restrictions. Other restrictions, such as medical conditions and unsuitable clothing, may also prevent you from participating.

We reserve the right to refuse participation if we believe that a medical condition may compromise safety. If you have any concern regarding a medical condition, you must consult with your doctor and contact us before you book your zip tour.

For the full details on participant restrictions, click here.

Booking Confirmation & Timings

If the information on your booking confirmation is incorrect, or you did not receive a confirmation, contact us immediately.

On rare occasions our online booking portal may make an error. If you have been charged incorrectly or haven’t received confirmation, please contact us.

You must arrive at least 30 minutes before your activity. Think of your session time as you would a train departure; we can’t ask other customers to wait, and delays have knock-on effects.

We appreciate the frustration of running late, and ultimately we want you to zip! Call the site office as soon as possible and we’ll do our best to make arrangements for you. This, however, is subject to availability and we do not offer refunds to late arrivals. For full details, click here.

Health & Safety

We operate an adventurous activity in a natural environment, and inherent to all adventurous activities is an element of risk.

Upon arrival you’re required to read our Safety Rules and Advice and Risk Acknowledgement & Acceptance of Responsibility documents and sign a Disclaimer (either in print or electronic). By signing you accept the risks involved, so it’s important that you read them carefully.

You can find out about the risks involved here, as well as info on suitable clothing here.

You will need a reasonable degree of fitness to participate. For more details click here and contact us if you have any concerns.

If you have a medical condition that you believe will not effect your ability to participate, you will be required to sign an Existing Medical Condition form.

Cancellations & Amendments

If you need to change your booking, you must inform us at least 24 hours prior to your activity. If you wish to cancel your booking, you must inform us at least 48 hours prior to your activity. If you do not inform us in time, we may not be able to change your ticket and you will not be entitled to a refund.

For cancelations or multiple changes to a booking there is a Rs.500 administration fee.

If we cancel your booking you may be entitled to a full refund, but no other form of compensation. However, this clause does not include situations where it proves necessary to close the Activities due to events outside of our control.

For the full terms on cancellations, amendments, payments and refunds, click here.

Booking and Activity Terms and Conditions (full version)

General issues

  1. These Booking and Activity Terms and Conditions apply to the booking of the Flying Baba Zipline Adventure Tours (the “Activities”) at the location set out in Flying Baba’s booking confirmation (the “e-ticket”).
  2. These Booking and Activity Terms and Conditions contain important information concerning participation by you and members of your party and, accordingly, you acknowledge and agree that you shall ensure that all members of your party are aware of and accept these Booking and Activity Terms and Conditions.
  3. No variation to these Booking and Activity Terms and Conditions shall be binding unless agreed in writing by Flying Baba.
  4. Any typographical, clerical or other error or omission in any booking confirmation or other documentation issued by Flying Baba (including any electronic documentation) shall be subject to correction without any liability on the part of Flying Baba.
  5. Flying Baba reserves the right to make changes to the Activities whether to conform with any applicable safety or other statutory requirements or otherwise.
  6. Flying Baba is the trading name for Flying Baba Adventure Tours Pvt Ltd.

Participant Restrictions

  1. All participants must be reasonably fit and healthy, measuring a minimum of 1.4 metres (4 feet 7 inches) tall, and must weigh less than 110kg.
  2. Children under the age of 18 years may not participate in the Activities without their parent / guardian first signing a Flying Baba disclaimer.
  3. Children under 16 years must be supervised by a participating parent / guardian customer at all times on the tour, or by an adult with the express authority of the parent / guardian to supervise their child. Minors aged 16-17 years do not need to be supervised by a participating adult customer. A participating adult can supervise a maximum of 9 children per tour / session, subject to the express permission of the parents / guardians of those children.
  4. The consumption of alcohol or drugs prior to or during the Activities is strictly prohibited. Participants who are deemed to be intoxicated will be refused admission. The Flying Baba Site Manager’s decision on this is final.
  5. You cannot participate if you fall into any one of the following categories:
    1. Below 1.4 metres / 4’ 7” in height
    2. Above 110 kg in weight
    3. Undergone surgery in the last 6 months or experiencing ongoing symptoms
    4. Experienced a fit or seizure in the past 6 months
    5. At any stage of pregnancy
    6. Under (or suspected of being under) the influence of alcohol or drugs
    7. Unable to correctly fit into our safety equipment
    8. A child aged under 18 years without a Disclaimer signed by your parent or guardian
    9. A child aged under 16 years without a parent or guardian supervising you on the zip tour
  6. If you are concerned about your health or have an existing medical condition you must consult Flying Baba head office or the Site Manager in advance in order to complete an Existing Medical Condition Form. See Health & Safety below for more details. Flying Baba reserves the right to deny access to participants deemed to be physically or mentally unfit to take part in the Activities.
  7. At Flying Baba we operate with harnesses that conform to UIAA standards, as we believe they best suit our needs and health and safety requirements. The size of this harness dictates the size of customer that we can safely allow to participate on a Zipline course. The maximum waist measurement of the harness is 110cm (43 inches) and the leg loops (which go around the top of each thigh) measure 70 cm (27 inches). If your statistics are close to or exceed these figures there is a possibility you may not fit in a harness and therefore will not be able to participate on the Zipline course. Waist measurements should be taken above the belly button; males weighing 110kg and females size 18+ are likely to be in this category.
  8. Anyone who does not meet these requirements will not be allowed to undertake the Activities. It is your responsibility to ensure that all members of your party meet these requirements.

Booking Confirmation, Timings & Ticketing

  1. No booking shall be deemed to have been accepted unless accepted in writing by Flying Baba (which shall include Flying Baba email confirmation of booking, e-ticket or same day payment receipt).
  2. It is the responsibility of each participant to ensure that they arrive at the Flying Baba site office in sufficient time – at least 30 minutes before the start time of your tour. Late arrivals may not be permitted to undertake the Activities and no refunds or compensation will be payable in such circumstances.
  3. These Booking and Activity Terms and Conditions incorporate the terms of Flying Baba’s Privacy Policy, Risk Acknowledgement & Acceptance of Responsibility, Safety Rules & Advice, Minor Accompanied by a Non-Parent / Guardian and Standard Disclaimer (either in print or electronic).
  4. You and each member of your party will be required to sign a Disclaimer before being allowed to undertake the Activities. A responsible adult must sign a Disclaimer on behalf of any participant under the age of 18 years. For large groups of children (e.g. school groups), the responsible adult must sign a Disclaimer – Minor Accompanied by Non-Parent / Guardian.
  5. You must advise Flying Baba as soon as possible of any mistake in Flying Baba’s booking confirmation. Flying Baba shall use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that you and your party’s participation commences at the time booked. However, Flying Baba accepts no liability or responsibility for the late departure or completion of any of its Activities sessions for any reason.
  6. The duration of the Activities differs subjected to weather conditions and session size. The approximate durations for a full zip tour of 9 people is 1.5 – 2 hrs
  7. Flying Baba tickets are strictly non-transferable and are not for re-sale. Tickets cannot be transferred or exchanged at the zip tour site, either for payment or as a gift.
  8. Tickets purchased or obtained from an unauthorised vendor will not be honoured.

Health & Safety

  1. The Activities can comprise challenging mountain hikes along unpaved rocky or muddy tracks, travelling along high ropes zip lines at speeds of up to 40 mph, proximity to high drops and with a risk of unprotected falls. Venomous snakes and wild animals may pose a hazard at some of our locations. As with any adventurous activity, participation is not without risk of damage to property, personal injury or even death.
  2. All participants receive the following before departing on the zip tour:
    1. Written health and safety instructions (Flying Baba’s “Safety Rules & Advice”), which form part of these Terms and Conditions
    2. Safety brief, verbal instructions and demonstration by a Flying Baba instructor
    3. An opportunity to practise on the equipment at a safe height on a practise zip line
    4. Assessment in the competent use of the equipment on the practise zip by a Flying Baba instructor.
  3. After the safety brief and assessment, participants will be supervised by a trained instructor throughout the tour. However participants are responsible for their own safety (and the safety of any possessions) while undertaking the Activities. Participants must give the instructors their full attention at all times.
  4. In particular, participants are responsible for actively braking their speed on arrival at the end of the zip line, by applying their gloved dominant hand onto the cable behind their pulley, as instructed by their Flying Baba instructor. Failure to so may result in serious injury.
  5. Flying Baba accepts no liability or responsibility for damage, injury or loss incurred in the event that you do not follow our safety advice and instructions.
  6. Flying Baba reserves the right to refuse admittance to the Activities or to remove a participant from the Activities should it deem it necessary to do so. This includes a participant who does not comply with the safety advice and the safety system, who is deemed to be physically or mentally unfit, or who is deemed to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  7. A participating parent / guardian must accompany all under 16 year olds. One adult is permitted to supervise up to eight minors (under 16 years old), with the express permission of their parents / guardians. Young people aged 16-17 years may zip unaccompanied by an adult, but their parent / guardian or authorised adult must sign their Disclaimer. Each participating adult must sign a Disclaimer stating that he or she will accept responsibility for the safety and supervision of all children in their care.
  8. All participants are required to wear a safety harness provided by Flying Baba and fitted by an instructor. Larger or smaller framed participants may be required to wear an additional chest harness for safety reasons. See clause 2 for sizing details.
  9. The Activities are physically demanding and require a degree of agility, strength and stamina. Participants should be comfortable hiking on steep terrain in weather conditions which may be very hot, windy or wet.
  10. To join a Flying Baba tour you will need:
    1. A reasonable degree of fitness
    2. Full body control
    3. Full hand-eye-foot co-ordination
    4. A degree of comfort with heights
    5. To carry any medication that you may need, for example, an inhaler.
  11. The following will adversely affect your ability to participate:
    1. All heart conditions (including high blood pressure)
    2. All respiratory conditions
    3. Back, limb or joint injuries
    4. Missing limbs, including prosthetics
    5. Vertigo, dizziness, visual impairment (except wearing prescription glasses or contact lenses), and learning difficulties
  12. If you (or any Minor Participant) suffers from an existing medical condition which may be aggravated by the Activities, we strongly recommend that you seek advice from your doctor, before you (or any Minor Participant) undertakes the Activities, to ascertain your (or any Minor Participant’s) medical, physical or mental condition and suitability to participate.
  13. If you (or any Minor Participant) has a serious mental condition, or an obviously debilitating physical condition, which in our opinion could pose a safety risk to yourself or to anyone else, then you (and any Minor Participant) WILL NOT be permitted to participate in the Activities – and the decision of the Site Manager on this is final.
  14. If you (or any Minor Participant) declare an existing medical condition and you decide to proceed, then you must sign an Existing Medical Condition form prior to your zip tour, in which you take full responsibility for any aggravation to your existing condition as a result of the Activities. Flying Baba accepts no responsibility or liability for any injury or loss due to the failure of participants to inform us in advance of any existing medical condition.
  15. Participants need to be able to see similar distances to those required to drive a car in order to be able to complete the course and to supervise any under 16 year olds in their care. Consequently, short or long sighted participants must ensure that they wear contact lenses or prescribed glasses.
  16. All participants are required to act responsibly and courteously at all times and to respect other participants. Flying Baba shall be entitled to prevent any person from undertaking or completing the Activities in the event it deems the behaviour of any participant unsuitable.
  17. Flying Baba cannot operate in certain weather conditions (such as high winds, heavy rains, fog / low visibility, electrical or dust storms). If your tour cannot go ahead for this reason, we will warn you in advance and re-book you at another time.
  18. No refunds or compensation will be payable by Flying Baba in the event that any participant is not permitted to, or decides not to, undertake or complete the Activities for the reasons set out in this clause.
  19. Clothing & Possessions
  20. It is the responsibility of all participants to ensure that they are dressed appropriately and Flying Baba advises participants to wear clothing appropriate for the weather conditions and which they do not mind getting damaged.
  21. Participants may not undertake the Activities in open-toed or slip-off shoes. You must wear closed-toe, outdoor shoes (no flip flops or sandals) and shorts or trousers (no saris or skirts).
  22. Long hair must be tied back and dangling jewellery removed. Waists must be covered and piercings removed or taped over for comfort
  23. Flying Baba reserves the right to refuse admittance to the Activities to any participant who is not appropriately dressed.
  24. During hot weather, you are advised to bring a sun hat, sunglasses and sun cream.
  25. Participants are permitted to use their mobile phones and/or cameras whilst trekking and spectating, but not whilst on the zip wire platforms or the zip wires themselves. This includes handheld camera mounts, such as selfie sticks. Participants are permitted to use hands-free camera mounts, but must obtain the express permission of the site Duty Manager before the Activities. We request participants to put their phones on silent mode during the Activities.
  26. Participants are not permitted to smoke at any point during the activity.
  27. Participants may leave possessions at the site office at their own risk. Flying Baba will not be responsible for any damage to or loss of clothing or other personal items of persons resulting from participation in the Activities or loss of items stored or left in any Flying Baba office.

Site specific rules

This e-ticket permits free entry to Malhar Machi Resort but this is subject to a time limit of 3 hours. You will not be permitted to enter the resort more than 1 hour before the start of your tour or remain in the Resort more than 1 hour after the end of your tour unless you order breakfast or lunch in advance.

Participants are asked to respect the peaceful atmosphere of Malhar Machi Resort and the privacy of residents.

Cancellations & Amendments

  1. Bookings may only be amended by calling Flying Baba on +91 9689783999 or emailing flyingbaba020@gmail.com at least 24 hours prior to the activity. The first amendment to a booking is free of charge; thereafter any amendment is charged an administration fee of Rs 500 per booking.
  2. Bookings may only be cancelled by calling Flying Baba on +91 9689783999 or emailing flyingbaba020@gmail.com at least 48 hours prior to the activity. You shall be entitled to a full refund in the event of cancellation under this clause, less a Rs 500 administration fee. If you cancel your booking within 48 hours prior to the activity, or if you fail to turn up in time for your zip tour, you will not receive any refund.
  3. Flying Baba shall be entitled to cancel your booking at any time. In the event that Flying Baba decides to cancel your booking it shall use its reasonable endeavours to notify you as soon as possible. You shall be entitled to a full refund in the event of cancellation under this clause but no other compensation shall be payable.
  4. In the event that it proves necessary to close the Activities for reasons beyond the control of Flying Baba and in circumstances where your party has commenced participation in the Activities, you shall not be entitled to any refund (in part or in whole). In such circumstances Flying Baba may, but shall not be obliged to, offer alternative zip tour dates or a gift voucher by way of compensation.

Payments & Refunds

    1. Subject to any terms agreed in writing between Flying Baba and you, our charges shall be calculated at our current rates and payment in full shall be due at the time of booking. Payment may be made by debit or credit card online. Alternatively payment can be made in cash at our head office or site office. All online payments must be made more than 24 hours prior to the commencement of the Activities, unless otherwise agreed in writing with Flying Baba in advance. Cheques will only be accepted when funds have cleared into the Flyingbaba account more than 24 hours in advance of the commencement of the Activities.
    2. Where refunds are due, they will be made according to the mode of original payment. Payments made by debit or credit card will be refunded to the same card or, if the card has subsequently expired, by cheque. Payments made by Gift Voucher will be refunded by the issuing of a replacement Gift Voucher to the same value.
    3. Where multiple forms of payment are used, Flying Baba reserves the right to refund any monies due on a refund or amendment by cheque.


  1. Except as otherwise provided in these Booking and Activity Terms and Conditions Flying Baba shall not be responsible for the loss or damage of or to any property or the loss, injury or damage to any person arising from the booking of or participation in the Activities.
  2. Parking facilities are available at the site, and any vehicles are left at the owners’ risk and subject to any conditions and the payment of any fees as may be required by the provider of such facilities at the site location.
  3. Except as otherwise provided in these Booking and Activity Terms and Conditions any liability of Flying Baba shall be limited to the refund of any charges paid to Flying Baba.
  4. Nothing contained in these Booking and Activity Terms and Conditions is intended to nor shall limit the liability of Flying Baba in respect of death or personal injury caused by the negligence of Flying Baba or of its employees, agents or contractors.


  1. If any of these terms are determined to be illegal invalid or otherwise unenforceable it shall be severed and deleted from these terms and the remaining terms shall survive, remain in full force and continue to be binding and enforceable.
  2. Nothing above shall confer on any third party any benefit or the right to enforce any of these Booking and Activity Terms and Conditions.
  3. These Booking and Activity Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of India and Flying Baba and you submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Republic of India.
  4. By booking and participating in the Activities you agree to be bound in full by these Terms and Conditions.

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